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Voi al Banio, perpaveure or something...
I was on this page recently that depicted this grrl's life growing up and developing as a young teengage girl. She recounted this tale about not knowing if her pubic hair was developing at a normal rate, and not being able to show it to any other of her friends for comparison. Well I remember such an incident when I was younger, but I had a friend who I could compare with. We did in my bathroom and realized that we as young womyn were normal. In my opinion this is a great example of feeling comftorble with your sexuality, whether it be sexual or platonic. But there is a negative side to all of this. I can speak for myself when I say that I don't feel all that confident anymore, and we are even conditioned as younger children not to express ourselves sexually, because it is "something to be ashamed of". So I would like to say that everyone please try to express yourself to the full extent that you as who you are could express themself! It might end up with the whole of man kind letting their spirits run free, and naked.

- Kelly :)


Skittles have to be the best tasting candy in the entire world, but I can never stop eating them. Like for example, when I go to the movies (and I can probably say this for a lot of people), I buy a huge bag of skittles. I walk to my seat excitedly, not being able to wait for the sweet fruity juicyness of the skittles. About halfway through the movie I start feeling sick to my tummy, because I ate too many. Well somebody bought me this container of them and I had too many. The skittles have foiled me once again I say to myself. So, I have concluded that skittles are indeed the devil.

When we vote, we are still in the framework of duality. "Here are two alternatives", we are saying, "choose one over the other. The choice most people make is the one we will act upon- whether the others like it or not not." The majority wields power over the minority.... With concensus, we tell a new story. We say that everybody's voice is worth hearing, that all concerns. If one proposal makes a few people- even one person- deeply unhappy and if we ignore it, we are likely to make a mistake. Instead of spending the group's energy trying to force or manipulate people into agreeing to something they don't want, we can drop either or both alternatives and look for a new solution, a more creative option that can satisfy all concerns. We can afford to do this because the universe is not truly divided into either/or choices. It is rich with infinite possibilities. - Starhawk

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