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The world is falling apart. How can we call ourselves humans when there is nothing left about man- kind to call human? Our social awareness is left for dead and people are suffering. The needs of our people are looked down upon and a challenge of thought is looked at as a disruption of the norm. What about those who feel the need to question the status quo, those who feel the need to use our innate abilities to become more that what is said to be. What is to be? What is to want or to succeed? What is succeeding? Who defines success? We, the people are supposed to be the ones who are to define the lines of life, but evidently, somewhere, we have fallen short in obtaining that. Starhawk once said, the world is not defined in either/or choices, it is filled with infinite possibilities. What has happened to our possibilities and choices, because I would really like to know? I am sick of being looked at as the pathetic revolutionary, who is obviously not going to achieve any goal, and I am even sicker of looking at the tiresome and expressionless youth that have already forfeited their right for a future that they WANT. What happened to the teachers who wanted to teach and the children who wanted to learn? I remember growing up and loving to go to school, loving to hear what my teachers had to offer me and my teachers listening in return to what I had to offer them, but I slowly grew apathetic to that environment when I began to pick up on what I was “actually” there for. I was to be an investment, and investment to my future children (who I had no concept of) and an investment to the people around me, an investment to everybody but myself. Being in school suddenly was not about gaining knowledge so I could be the best person I could be for myself. It was about preparing myself to make an exceedingly large amount of money, and to “succeed”. Everybody had defined success for me. Leaving me without a choice. Now I am somewhere in life (I don’t know exactly where), and I am supposed to be gaining something (I don’t know exactly what), and people are telling me that I am supposed to be joyous about something that I feel powerless to. I am supposed to jump around happily from class to class collecting my credits to get my diploma when I feel an impending feeling of doom that I am going to face when I leave, and the doom I am so scared to face is what I hate most. A world without choices, a world where I will need to create the same lines for my children that were created for me. A world where you need to try to be the best to achieve what they have defined as success. A world where I am viewed as being behind all the triumphant bodies. A world where I am dead.

I wrote this in five minutes when I was upset. I didn't pay attention to the grammar because correct grammar was not the emotion I was trying to get across.