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*possible whoredumb*

Anonymous (I don't know who this is written by, but I think it is amazing)

so tell me, how does it feel to live with soul rot? I mean really, what's it like to wake up everyday, fully cognizant of the fact that you're young and contaminated? I can only imagine sleeping being able to wake up instead of always being awake, and then awaking wide-eyed and well aware that i am just another automation, walking down the streets with my fake smile and my blonde cockdummy. It's been an easy pattern for me to recognize, an easy pattern for me to consciously rebel against. If i fuck you first, and if I'm the first to get out of bed in the morning and dress myself and drive home unattached and smirking, then who is the conquerer and who is the conquered? Who is the conquest, and who is the victor- the one home alone without the stench of stagnant sweat on her bedsheets?

It's not such an easy pattern for me to consciously rebel against when i, for a short breath of a period in my lifetime, went along with the mindfuck. "Wouldn't it be nice," i thought maybe subconsciously and maybe not, "to be real cute and go to shows and know that my boyfriend is out there playing that song, and everyone's jumpin and everyone's lookin and i can sit back here in my corner and think, "well damn, I'm part of that." Wouldn't it be nice, i thought, if i could be an ornament to it all, an ornament to young tortured souls who read the communist manifesto for the sheer fuck of it all and then go sit in their basements with an obsolete typewriter in their laps, punching out poetry about ideological warfare and breathless friendships. It would be wonderful to not be the aggressor, to not be the activist, to not be the pissed off, unsatisfied revolutionary; to be rather, just "yeah i get it i work for it kinda, but sometimes i just sit in my room and listen to pop songs and cry

It was comftorble and simple, albeit foreign and awe-inspiring to fall into the folds of the blanket and the warmth that was generated from being only one of two bodies, half-naked in a bed together, smoking and talking about addiction and nightmares. It was strange and strangely refreshing to sleep, and sleep well, and sleep unafraid anducautious.
It was fucking pathetic.
It was a facade.
It was a mistake.

It's easy identifiable, easily attaintable, easy to set your heart on being another part of the love-striving, warmth-seeking masses. It's easy to walk down the suburban streets holding hands with an automation, being a blonde cockdummy.

A conventional pattern is comftorble but it's convention nonetheless. It's more repressive in the end, when you are alone and eveloped in the stench of stagnant sweat on your bedsheets, and your crying to pop songs, and you want to be inspired but instead you just smoke and vomit, and you're more a whore (at the mercy of another) now than you ever were before and you wish you had known better.
I know better now.

Nicki Clarke

Mirror mirror mirror- i misrecognise this body, i see a monkey face and fat thighs, i want to carve and slice and discard chunks of bleeding flesh. But sometimes i catch sight of myself unexpectedly as i walk past a window and i am struck by what a scarecrow i look-my chest bones showing and my clothes hanging,
refusing to hide the frailty of my frame. Yet my eyes are shining and the say I'm looking good, and they say I'm looking happy and that's kinda true, but I'm also longing for the comfort and protection of my flesh, tho i get a thrill seeing my jeans all loose around the waist and my legs look good in fishnets and HEY
thin is better, thin is
popular, thin gets the boys
in every time. RIGHT?
How i love being a woman coos the warner's ad, but i hate being exploited is the graffiti and yeah i love and hate this body of mine. I'm starving myself, watching my breasts and hips disappear-you know i understand the hatred of this body, this sexualised body, this packaged consumerproduct body that exists for someone else's enjoyment, someone else's eyes. Not mine.

I do not know my body. Sometimes i am struck by my beauty and am surprised and at other times by my ugliness and just want to scream and cry and throw myself against the walls and hurt myself, rip my skin away, claw and peel this outer coating that people see and i feel THIS IS NOT ME, i scream it with every pore Look look look at ME and not my body.

We become the refuse of this society because we're not buying any.

LOOK AT ME. If i oozed blood and pus all over you would you see? Just what do i have to do? To what extremes must we go? How far must we mutilate ourelves in order for you to STOP selling us via your products?

i don't want it
i won't buy it
i am not a mannequin
i am not a sex aid so don't masturbate over me, don't look at me to find your gratification cos if i wanted to i don't know how to give you what you want.

When will this pain stop? i can't sit passively waitingwhere you're buying and selling your spirits. I'm not trading mine. i have precious little in this world and you can't have it. Haven't you stolen enough from me, from the people i love?

And the drugs and the death and the oblivion

i am not a show and tell girl unless you want to see it RAW